Liquid-Lipo SPECIAL! price *(per area) treated

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Liquid-Lipo Treatment SPECIAL!

  • $ave $50 per area with package purchase. 
  • Price starting at $250 per area. Certain targeted areas maybe more. 
  • Consultation required. 


What is Liquid-Lipo? 

Liquid-Lipo is today’s modern approach to effective non-surgical fat reduction (lipolysis of fat). Liquid-Lipo is particularly well-suited for targeting specific areas of stubborn fat accumulation. Like Mesotherapy, Liquid-Lipo is an injectable lipolysis solution used as an alternative option to invasive liposuction procedure. The standard formulation consist of phosphatidylcholine and deoxycholate as primary ingredients. This technique involves injecting the medication phosphatidylcholine and deoxycholate just beneath the skin’s surface directly into the targeted fatty areas, kickstarting the breakdown of fat. It is achieved through a series of minuscule and virtually painless microinjections. The fragmented fat is then naturally eliminated by the body via the liver, kidneys, bowels and lymphatic system.


What is the medication used for Liquid-Lipo?

Phosphatidylcholine and deoxycholate (PC/DC) are both compounds used in medical and cosmetic treatments. Phosphatidylcholine is a natural substance that is a vital component of cell membranes in the body and helps with the digestion and drainage of the fat cells broken down by deoxycholate. Deoxycholate is a bile salt, a naturally occurring substance in the body that helps with the digestion of fats. In cosmetic procedures, deoxycholate is used as an injectable treatment to reduce localized fat deposits. It is commonly used for the treatment of submental fat, often referred to as a "double chin." This treatment is typically known as Kybella. 

Liquid-Lipo common areas treated:

– Chin
– Arms
– Abdomen
– Flanks
– Thighs
– Bra rolls
– Back fat

The Treatment Procedure:

Liquid-Lipo is a 20 to 30-minute procedure done inside your practitioner’s office or clinic. Expect to spend 45-minutes to 1 hour on your 1st treatment day. All patients have an initial consultation before starting the treatment.  

On the day of your treatment, your Health and Wellness Practitioner will review your medical history, procedure details, pre and post-procedure information and take photos before the treatment. The targeted areas are marked, signaling the start of the treatment. 

Medication is injected with a fine miniscule needle into the targeted areas based on your treatment plan. No pain medication is typical needed. However, some patients may experience slight burning sensation a few minutes after the medication is injected. This is the beginning of the breakdown of fat as the medication starts working.

After the Liquid-Lipo treatment, post-treatment instructions and ice packs are provided to soothe side effects of inflammation. Experts recommend at least three to eight (3-8) sessions for optimal results. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Who are Ideal Candidates for Liquid-Lipo Treatments?

The ideal candidate for Liquid-Lipo has persistent, stubborn fat deposits despite diet and exercise. Liquid-Lipo is not recommended for those with unhealthy weights with a BMI greater than 40, individuals with firm or fibrous fat deposits, or individuals with medical conditions currently under the care of a primary care physician listed below. A consultation with your Health & Wellness Practitioner will determine if you are an ideal candidate.

Liquid-Lipo is not recommended for patients that have any of the following conditions listed below:

- Diabetic
- Pregnant or Breast-feeding
- Autoimmune Diseases or Muscle Disorders
- Vascular Disease
- Current or Recurrent infections
- Heart Disease 
- Kidney or Liver Disease
- Soy Allergy


What are the Limitations of Liquid-Lipo Treatments?

Liquid-Lipo can not replace the need for liposuction in areas where the amount of fat to be removed is significant. Liquid-Lipo will not be a satisfactory treatment for a morbidly obese person. Individuals with saggy skin may have to deal with loose skin after the treatment and may require body-lift surgery to address loose skin.


What is the Downtime with Liquid-Lipo Treatments?

There is no downtime. Nevertheless, you can resume normal activities after the procedure. But you should limit strenuous exercise for the first 24 hours after treatment. 

What are the Side-Effects of Liquid-Lipo Treatments?

Typical side-effects will resolve within five to ten (5-10) days.

Potential side-effects following Liquid-Lipo treatments can include:

- Swelling
- Redness
- Bruising
- Tenderness
- Burning
- Lightheadedness
- Allergy


What are the expected results of Liquid-Lipo Treatments?

Liquid-Lipo results will become visible after three to six (3-6) treatment sessions. Results may vary depending on each persons metabolism, adherence to modification of healthy eating habits, increased hydration, and exercise daily. Typically, three to eight (3-8) treatment sessions are spaced four to six (4-6) weeks apart for best results. 

Post-Procedure Guidelines for Liquid-Lipo:

1st Week (0-7 days):

  • Avoid smoking: as it delays healing and can increase the risk of possible complications.
  • Drink water every day, at least 64 ounces, to assist your body in flushing out fats that have been broken down. Remember that “water” does not mean coffee, juice, sodas, or tea.
  • Do not consume alcoholic beverages for the first seven (7) days following your procedure.
    It is usual for the localized fat in the treatment area to change consistency due to the top layer of fat cells breaking down and leaving the cell walls.
  • No strenuous exercise the first 24 hours is recommended. However, after the first 24 hours, exercise is highly recommended to help achieve maximum results.
  • Avoid hot baths or saunas for 1 week following your procedure.
    Mild inflammation, bruising, and tenderness may occur. Bruising may last from 3-10 days.
  • Avoid blood thinning medication (Ibuprofen or Aspirin) for 24 hours.
  • Refrain from taking systemic steroids (Prednisone, Hydrocortisone) for at least two (2) weeks following your procedure.
  • Apply cold compress or ice packs to soothe bruising or swelling of treated areas.

  • Take (Tylenol) over the counter for discomfort.

1-4 Weeks:

  • Continue to increase your exercise. Exercise will aid the body in fat burning after your procedure.
  • Drink 64 ounces of water every day to help your body flush out fats that have been broken down.

4 Weeks:

  • Schedule your next Liquid-Lipo treatment session with your Health & Wellness Practitioner within four to six (4-6) weeks after your last procedure for optimal results.

Final Takeaways:

Liquid-Lipo is a non-invasive injection treatment composed of phosphatidylcholine and deoxycholate (PC/DC) for lipolysis and fat reduction of fat cells in specific targeted areas. It is not FDA approved in the United States and used off-label in cosmetic procedures such as Kybella for double chin fat-loss, arms, abdomen, love handles, back and thighs to target unwanted fat. Liquid-Lipo is an alternative option to the invasive cosmetic surgery liposuction procedure.


Liquid-Lipo services and medication provided have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and considered off-label for use. This product and service is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The material on this website is provided for informational purposes only and is not medical advice. Consult your primary care physician before beginning any therapy or program. Liquid-Lipo medications are specific formulations prepared by contracted pharmacies used by Vivrant Aesthetics Health & Wellness MedSpa LLC. Any designations or references to therapies or treatments are for marketing purposes. Results are not guarenteed. Actual results are experienced by verified patients.